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Timestamp | 2022-11-26 16:27:42 (UTC) |
Block Time | 842 days 16 hrs ago |
Block | |
Life Time | 2794878 - 2794910 |
Extrinsic Hash | 0x0c4993be3b972c789da27d6168458eccb6ca8e15baf2c73f8bd80e4b18e3e14b |
Sponsored | |
Action | |
Sender | |
Estimated Fee | ![]() 0 .003120449253 PHA |
Used Fee | ![]() 0 .003120449253 PHA |
Nonce | 154502 |
Result | Success |
Parameters | [3 items 0:{4 items "name":"real" "type":"sp_runtime:multiaddress:MultiAddress" "type_name":"AccountIdLookupOf" "value":{1 items "Id":"0x62f32e078c6cf739f440cd1d03ed7b66bd4ba21ff01ec216c81ea32cc55c1557" } } 1:{4 items "name":"force_proxy_type" "type":"option<khala_parachain_runtime:ProxyType>" "type_name":"Option<ProxyType>" "value":NULL } 2:{4 items "name":"call" "type":"Call" "type_name":"Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>" "value":{3 items "call_module":"Utility" "call_name":"force_batch" "params":[1 items 0:{3 items "name":"calls" "type":"Vec<khala_parachain_runtime:RuntimeCall>" "value":[1 items 0:{4 items "call_index":"5500" "call_module":"PhalaMq" "call_name":"sync_offchain_message" "params":[1 items 0:{3 items "name":"signed_message" "type":"phala_mq:types:SignedMessage" "value":{3 items "message":{3 items "destination":"phala/mining/report" "payload":"0x00508b00007da52a00441cc3b484010000aa37c51a00000000" "sender":{1 items "Worker":"0x4889c54efc386bdbd77de0fe2db0be4661c5ae8a8cbefc556c2f2ce640aa760e" } } "sequence":1382 "signature":"0xe462bc53e7b5216c4ed1f868a7bcf6a1bde188293aebb568a09b1b2ed621d92a044b6b21ed5c69c8782bc10b9206db1317e27dd0f3f0b89eb9848661abb6f68c" } } ] } ] } ] } } ] |
Signature | 0x2c4fb16fd464b4829233070aca5cd25cfbbf3b63da96fd4f87da5f8a1e67d136db313a43b6ab49ed849f10099b77343c74d68253ab96477a130639864ae1098e |
Event ID | Hash | Action | |
2794881-660 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | balances (Withdraw) | |
2794881-661 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | phalamining (BenchmarkUpdated) | |
2794881-662 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | utility (ItemCompleted) | |
2794881-663 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | utility (BatchCompleted) | |
2794881-664 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | proxy (ProxyExecuted) | |
2794881-665 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | balances (Deposit) | |
2794881-666 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | treasury (Deposit) | |
2794881-667 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | transactionpayment (TransactionFeePaid) | |
2794881-668 | 0x0c49....e3e14b | system (ExtrinsicSuccess) |