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Timestamp | 2024-07-01 06:33:30 (UTC) |
Block Time | 256 days 8 hrs ago |
Block | |
Life Time | 6558688 - 6558720 |
Extrinsic Hash | 0x2d5bdeb8084897d944af6549adb5ba48e4488ab1c88c0c2a25b059da73b74968 |
Sponsored | |
Action | Multisig Account Multisig Status Executed |
Sender | |
Estimated Fee | ![]() 0 .00222000005 PHA |
Used Fee | ![]() 0 .00222000005 PHA |
Nonce | 250 |
Result | Success |
Parameters | [5 items 0:{4 items "name":"threshold" "type":"U16" "type_name":"u16" "value":2 } 1:{4 items "name":"other_signatories" "type":"Vec<AccountId>" "type_name":"Vec<AccountId>" "value":[2 items 0:"0x4ce421370cf0257d869618ec25c324ed4c6c7f65289297a3c134332c212e350b" 1:"0xf81550f147455d286246994dbf4bfa37961d235b96ed8d1189b7445c18680f50" ] } 2:{4 items "name":"maybe_timepoint" "type":"option<pallet_multisig:Timepoint>" "type_name":"Option<Timepoint<BlockNumberFor>>" "value":{2 items "height":6558613 "index":23 } } 3:{4 items "name":"call" "type":"Call" "type_name":"Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>" "value":{4 items "call_index":"5e06" "call_module":"PhalaVault" "call_name":"withdraw" "params":[2 items 0:{3 items "name":"pid" "type":"U64" "value":3474 } 1:{3 items "name":"shares" "type":"U128" "value":"243844030000000000" } ] } } 4:{4 items "name":"max_weight" "type":"sp_weights:weight_v2:Weight" "type_name":"Weight" "value":{2 items "proof_size":0 "ref_time":0 } } ] |
Signature | 0x82a8c197c0ca8061a90ae91ac40b6f207bb6cd46c45097c60e66820e24bec37b5b5c7ea0d9ff0c88b9f79f4992138b72f48020cc6c7ba0f72249e11cfa94a78f |
Event ID | Hash | Action | |
6558693-369 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | balances (Deposit) | |
6558693-370 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | treasury (Deposit) | |
6558693-371 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | transactionpayment (TransactionFeePaid) | |
6558693-372 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | system (ExtrinsicSuccess) | |
6558693-358 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | balances (Withdraw) | |
6558693-359 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | balances (Unreserved) | |
6558693-362 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | rmrkcore (NftMinted) | |
6558693-363 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | rmrkcore (PropertySet) | |
6558693-360 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | phalavault (OwnerSharesGained) | |
6558693-361 | 0x2d5b....b74968 | uniques (Issued) |