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Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
propose | 3d00 | 2 | |
second | 3d01 | 1 | |
vote | 3d02 | 2 | |
emergency_cancel | 3d03 | 1 | |
external_propose | 3d04 | 1 | |
external_propose_majority | 3d05 | 1 | |
external_propose_default | 3d06 | 1 | |
fast_track | 3d07 | 3 | |
veto_external | 3d08 | 1 | |
cancel_referendum | 3d09 | 1 | |
delegate | 3d0a | 3 | |
undelegate | 3d0b | - | |
clear_public_proposals | 3d0c | - | |
unlock | 3d0d | 1 | |
remove_vote | 3d0e | 1 | |
remove_other_vote | 3d0f | 2 | |
blacklist | 3d10 | 2 | |
cancel_proposal | 3d11 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
Proposed | 3d00 | ["PropIndex","BalanceOf"] | |
Tabled | 3d01 | ["PropIndex","BalanceOf"] | |
ExternalTabled | 3d02 | ||
Started | 3d03 | ["ReferendumIndex","VoteThreshold"] | |
Passed | 3d04 | ["ReferendumIndex"] | |
NotPassed | 3d05 | ["ReferendumIndex"] | |
Cancelled | 3d06 | ["ReferendumIndex"] | |
Delegated | 3d07 | ["AccountId","AccountId"] | |
Undelegated | 3d08 | ["AccountId"] | |
Vetoed | 3d09 | ["AccountId","H256","BlockNumber"] | |
Blacklisted | 3d0a | ["H256"] | |
Voted | 3d0b | ["AccountId","ReferendumIndex","AccountVote<BalanceOf>"] | |
Seconded | 3d0c | ["AccountId","PropIndex"] | |
ProposalCanceled | 3d0d | ["PropIndex"] |
Name | Type | |
PublicPropCount | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
PublicProps | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<Tuple:U32frame_support:traits:preimages:BoundedAccountId>","PlainTypeValue":493} | |
DepositOf | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"Tuple:Vec<AccountId>U128","keys_id":4,"value_id":496}} | |
ReferendumCount | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
LowestUnbaked | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
ReferendumInfoOf | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"pallet_democracy:types:ReferendumInfo","keys_id":4,"value_id":498}} | |
VotingOf | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"pallet_democracy:vote:Voting","keys_id":0,"value_id":501}} | |
LastTabledWasExternal | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Bool","PlainTypeValue":100} | |
NextExternal | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Tuple:frame_support:traits:preimages:Boundedpallet_democracy:vote_threshold:VoteThreshold","PlainTypeValue":507} | |
Blacklist | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity"],"key_vec":["H256"],"value":"Tuple:U32Vec<AccountId>","keys_id":11,"value_id":508}} | |
Cancellations | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity"],"key_vec":["H256"],"value":"Bool","keys_id":11,"value_id":100}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
EnactmentPeriod | U32 | 00e10000 | |
LaunchPeriod | U32 | e0c40000 | |
VotingPeriod | U32 | e0c40000 | |
VoteLockingPeriod | U32 | 00e10000 | |
MinimumDeposit | U128 | 00a0724e180900000000000000000000 | |
InstantAllowed | Bool | 01 | |
FastTrackVotingPeriod | U32 | 84030000 | |
CooloffPeriod | U32 | e0c40000 | |
MaxVotes | U32 | 64000000 | |
MaxProposals | U32 | 64000000 | |
MaxDeposits | U32 | 64000000 | |
MaxBlacklisted | U32 | 64000000 |
Name | Docs |
ValueLow | Value too low |
ProposalMissing | Proposal does not exist |
AlreadyCanceled | Cannot cancel the same proposal twice |
DuplicateProposal | Proposal already made |
ProposalBlacklisted | Proposal still blacklisted |
NotSimpleMajority | Next external proposal not simple majority |
InvalidHash | Invalid hash |
NoProposal | No external proposal |
AlreadyVetoed | Identity may not veto a proposal twice |
ReferendumInvalid | Vote given for invalid referendum |
NoneWaiting | No proposals waiting |
NotVoter | The given account did not vote on the referendum. |
NoPermission | The actor has no permission to conduct the action. |
AlreadyDelegating | The account is already delegating. |
InsufficientFunds | Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford. |
NotDelegating | The account is not currently delegating. |
VotesExist | The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed untilthese are removed, either through `unvote` or `reap_vote`. |
InstantNotAllowed | The instant referendum origin is currently disallowed. |
Nonsense | Delegation to oneself makes no sense. |
WrongUpperBound | Invalid upper bound. |
MaxVotesReached | Maximum number of votes reached. |
TooMany | Maximum number of items reached. |
VotingPeriodLow | Voting period too low |